During the design phase we played around with several configurations for the front overhang. There were hip configurations and gable configurations. The roofline of the garage played a large part in how the house would present itself from the front driveway. What we settled on works nicely: it is not too complicated and really connects the house and garage together in a cohesive unit (Photo 1-1) The timber posts and beams played a large part in the look of the building facade. Geometrically they are simple: spaced evenly across the front of the building provides for some uniformity in an otherwise asymmetrical structure. Large timbers aren't common in Newfoundland...they call it "The Rock" for a reason.... So I looked towards the west. After looking into shipping costs and lead times required for douglas fir (not to mention the amount of energy requried to ship the timber from BC) I looked towards our southerly neighbour: Nova Scotia. ...
This is a blog about building a more sustainable lifestyle in Newfoundland. We built the Flatrock Passive House in Flatrock, Newfoundland. As it stands, this is first performance house built to the PHIUS standard in Newfoundland. Construction is complete but the project is still moving forward. We are currently exploring and devising options that deal with food security. We recently completed a vegetable garden and root cellar and are currently working on a winter greenhouse!