We completed all the necessary site work on Sunday to commence back filling. The electricians came and extended the electrical conduits above ground level (Photo 1-1, 1-2). There are three in total. The conduit to the left is labelled load. This conduit will exit the utility meter and enter the house under the footing and will come up through the slab in the mechanical room. The center conduit comes directly from the utility pole underground to the house. The third conduit is put in place for future PV solar power. Recently the local public utilities board approved net metering for the province. Details at this point are scanty, to say the least, but it made sense to install the conduit, nonetheless. With a power budget of 5MW province wide for electrical feed in to the grid, I expect that the applications will chew up the budget pretty quickly. I have priced an 8kW system which will offset all of my yearly power usage. ...
This is a blog about building a more sustainable lifestyle in Newfoundland. We built the Flatrock Passive House in Flatrock, Newfoundland. As it stands, this is first performance house built to the PHIUS standard in Newfoundland. Construction is complete but the project is still moving forward. We are currently exploring and devising options that deal with food security. We recently completed a vegetable garden and root cellar and are currently working on a winter greenhouse!