A solid foundation will lead to a solid building that will last for years. Originally I was thinking about going with a Permanent Wood Foundation (PWF). Although sub grade lumber is accessible here, it is quite expensive. Water proofing and insulating a below ground wooden structure would also be quite challenging so I decided against it. Instead I decided that a concrete foundation on top of concrete footings would be a better idea and although I am not able to do the work myself, the money spent will lead to a foundation that will last for years. Interestingly enough, if you factor in the cost of lumber and labor, they probably cost about the same according to my estimates. Besides, my previous estimates showed that there would be enough thermal mass in the concrete to mitigate temperature swings without the use of larger water barrels taking up floor space. I contacted John Randell (Matchless Foundations) and he gladly took on the job. Jo...
This is a blog about building a more sustainable lifestyle in Newfoundland. We built the Flatrock Passive House in Flatrock, Newfoundland. As it stands, this is first performance house built to the PHIUS standard in Newfoundland. Construction is complete but the project is still moving forward. We are currently exploring and devising options that deal with food security. We recently completed a vegetable garden and root cellar and are currently working on a winter greenhouse!