During the past year I have spent a major portion of my life dedicated to the implementation of details that would ultimately lead to perpetually lower energy bills. I am confident based on our final blower door test (0.36 ACH50) and thermal imaging (to be presented in a later blog) that we have achieved the efficiency that I was aiming for. This being said, a house has to be more than just a set of plans and bunch of numbers on paper. It needs to be liveable. It should be a space that you enjoy and become part of as you grow. My father and I spent two months (ie February-March) working on various interior projects in order to complete the interior of the house. We had lots of ideas and details that we wanted to achieve. We decided early on in the project that we wanted a modern traditional look so most finishes were chosen based on that premise. The one project I am ecstatic about is the staircase! It was my first time building one and...
This is a blog about building a more sustainable lifestyle in Newfoundland. We built the Flatrock Passive House in Flatrock, Newfoundland. As it stands, this is first performance house built to the PHIUS standard in Newfoundland. Construction is complete but the project is still moving forward. We are currently exploring and devising options that deal with food security. We recently completed a vegetable garden and root cellar and are currently working on a winter greenhouse!