It has been some time since my last post. Things have been so busy that I just haven't had time to document things as much as what I would have liked. This being said, I figured I would provide a quick update on the exterior progress....It is now complete! Keocan General Contracting completed the siding job. It is well done and the house looks great! Earlier in the blog series I pointed out that the clapboard and trim were obtained from Cottle's lumber and wood products. After working with it myself, I can say that it is a great local product. Several cladding options including pre-finished siding could have been an option but at up to $1.89/lf those options were expensive. If you're willing to finish the siding yourself, wood cladding can be an option. Installation will be more expensive than vinyl but that cost can be somewhat offset by the cost of prepping the siding yourself. We used Benjamin Moore Arborcoat exterior water base...
This is a blog about building a more sustainable lifestyle in Newfoundland. We built the Flatrock Passive House in Flatrock, Newfoundland. As it stands, this is first performance house built to the PHIUS standard in Newfoundland. Construction is complete but the project is still moving forward. We are currently exploring and devising options that deal with food security. We recently completed a vegetable garden and root cellar and are currently working on a winter greenhouse!